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Repositorio Atenea de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM >

Browsing by Author Butynski, TM

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008The status of the world's land and marine mammals: Diversity, threat, and knowledgeSchipper, J; Chanson, JS; Chiozza, F; Cox, NA; Hoffmann, M; Katariya, V; Lamoreux, J; Rodrigues, ASL; Stuart, SN; Temple, HJ; Boitani, L; Lacher, TE; Mittermeier, RA; Smith, AT; Absolon, D; Aguiar, JM; Amori, G; Bakkour, N; Baldi, R; Berridge, RJ; Bielby, J; Black, PA; Blanc, JJ; Brooks, TM; Burton, JA; Butynski, TM; Catullo, G; Chapman, R; Cokeliss, Z; Collen, B; Conroy, J; Cooke, JG; da Fonseca, GAB; Derocher, AE; Dublin, HT; Duckworth, JW; Emmons, L; Emslie, RH; Festa-Bianchet, M; Foster, M; Foster, S; Garshelis, DL; Gates, C; Gimenez-Dixon, M; Good, TC; Hammerson, G; Hammond, PS; Happold, D; Happold, M; Hare, J; Harris, RB; Hawkins, CE; Haywood, M; Heaney, LR; Hedges, S; Helgen, KM; Hilton-Taylor, C; Hussain, SA; Ishii, N; Jefferson, TA; Jenkins, RKB; Johnston, CH; Keith, M; Kingdon, J; Knox, DH; Kovacs, KM; Langhammer, P; Leus, K; Lewison, R; Lichtenstein, G; Lowry, LF; Macavoy, Z; Mace, GM; Mallon, DP; Masi, M; McKnight, MW; Medellin, RA; Medici, P; Mills, G; Moehlman, PD; Molur, S; Mora, A; Nowell, K; Oates, JF; Olech, W; Oliver, WRL; Oprea, M; Patterson, BD; Perrin, WF; Polidoro, BA; Pollock, C; Powel, A; Protas, Y; Racey, P; Ragle, J; Ramani, P; Rathbun, G; Reeves, RR; Reilly, SB; Reynolds, JE; Rondinini, C; Rosell-Ambal, RG; Rulli, M; Rylands, AB; Savini, S; Schank, CJ; Sechrest, W; Self-Sullivan, C; Shoemaker, A; Sillero-Zubiri, C; De Silva, N; Smith, DE; Srinivasulu, C; Stephenson, PJ; van Strien, N; Talukdar, BK; Taylor, BL; Timmins, R; Tirira, DG; Tognelli, MF; Tsytsulina, K; Veiga, LM; Vie, JC; Williamson, EA; Wyatt, SA; Xie, Y; Young, BE; Baillie, JEM; González, S; González-Maya, JF
Showing results 1 to 1 of 1


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