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Repositorio Atenea de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM >

Browsing by Author DiAngelo, S

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000Polymorphisms of Surfactant Protein Gene A, B, D, and of SP-B-linked Microsatellite Markers in COPD of a Mexican PopulationGuo, X; Lin, HM; Lin, Z; Montano, M; Sansores, R; Wang, GR; DiAngelo, S; Selman, M; FLoros, J; Pardo-Cemo, Annie
1999Surfactant protein gene polymorphisms and CGPD in a Mexican populationGuo, XX; Lin, ZW; Montano, M; Wang, GR; Sansores, R; DiAngelo, S; Selman, M; FLoros, J; Pardo-Cemo, Annie
2000Surfactant Protein Genetic Marker Alleles Identify a Subgroup of Tuberculosis in a Mexican PopulationLin, HM; Salazar, MA; Guo, XX; DiAngelo, S; Montano, M; Luo, JM; Selman, M; García, A; FLoros, J; Pardo-Cemo, Annie
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


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