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Repositorio Atenea de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM >
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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11154/3268

Title: Metabolism and growth of juveniles of Litopenaeus vannamei: effect of salinity and dietary carbohydrate levels
Authors: Rosas, C
Cuzon, G
Gaxiola, G
Le Priol, Y
Pascual, C
Rossignyol, J
Contreras, F
Van Wormhoudt, A
Sánchez, A
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: The present study was designed to understand how carbohydrate (CBH) and protein metabolism are related in the penaeid shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. With this information, we obtained a comprehensive schedule of the protein-carbohydrate metabolism including enzymatic, energetic, and functional aspects. We used salinity to determine its role as a modulator of the protein-carbohydrate metabolism in shrimp. Two experiments were designed. The first experiment evaluated the effect of CBH-salinity combinations in growth and survival, and hemolymph glucose, protein, and ammonia levels, digestive gland glycogen, osmotic pressure, and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) of L. vannamei juveniles acclimated during 18 days at a salinity of 15 parts per thousand and 40 parts per thousand. The second experiment was done to evaluate the effect of dietary CBH level on pre- and postprandial oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, and the oxygen-nitrogen ratio (O/N) of juvenile L. vannamei in shrimps acclimated at 40 parts per thousand salinity. We also evaluated the ability of shrimp to carbohydrate: adaptation. We made phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PECPK) and hexokinase activity measurements after a change in dietary carbohydrate levels at different times during 10 days. The growth rate depended on the combination salinity-dietary CBH-protein level. The maximum growth rate was obtained in shrimps maintained at 15 parts per thousand salinity and with a diet containing low CBH and high protein. The protein in hemolymph is related to the dietary protein levels
high dietary protein levels produced a high protein concentration in hemolymph. This suggests hemolymph is able to stoic proteins after a salinity acclimation. Depending on the salinity, the hemolymph proteins could be used as a source of osmotic effectors or as metabolic energy. The O/N values obtained show that shrimp used proteins as a source of energy mainly when shrimps were fed with low CBH. The role played by postprandial nitrogen excretion (PPNE) in apparent heat increase (AHI) (PPNE/AHI ratio) is lower in shrimps feti diets containing high CBH in comparison with shrimps fed diets containing low CBH levels. These results confirm that the metabolism of L. vannamei juveniles is controlled by dietary protein levels, affecting the processes involved in the mechanical and biochemical transformations of ingested food. A growth depression effect was observed in shrimps fed with low-CBH protein diets and maintained in 40 parts per thousand salinity. Ln these shrimps, the: hemolymph ammonia concentration (HAC) was significantly higher than that observed in shrimps fed with low CBH and maintained in 15 parts per thousand salinity, That high HAC level coincided with lower growth rate, which suggests that this level might be toxic for juveniles of L. vannamei. Results obtained for GDH activity showed this enzyme regulated both HAC and hemolymph protein levels. with high values in shrimps fed with low CBH levels and maintained in 40 parts per thousand salinity, and lower in shrimps fed with high CBH and maintained in 15 parts per thousand salinity. These differences mean that shrimp with a high-gill GDH activity might waste more energy in oxidation of the excess proteins and amino acids, reducing the energy for growth. It was evident that L. vannamei can convert protein to glycogen by a gluconeogenic pathway, which permitted shrimp to maintain a minimum circulating glucose of 0.34 mg/ml in hemolymph. A high PECPK activity was observed in shrimps fed a diet containing low CBH level indicating that the gluconeogenic pathway is activated, as in vertebrates by low dietary CBH levels, After a change in diet, we observed a change in PEPCK
however, it was lower and seems to depend on the way of adaptation, because it occurred after 6 days when adapting to a high-CBH diet and with little change for the low-CBH diet. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11154/3268
ISSN: 0022-0981
Appears in Collections:Ciencias

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