
Distribution of Geastrum species from some priority regions for conservation of biodiversity of Sonora, Mexico

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Show simple item record Esqueda-Valle, M.; Herrera-Suárez, T.; Perez-Siva, E; Sánchez, A. 2014-01-15T02:01:07Z 2014-01-15T02:01:07Z 2003
dc.identifier.citation Esqueda-Valle, M.; Herrera-Suárez, T.; Perez-Siva, E; Sánchez, A. (2003). Distribution of Geastrum species from some priority regions for conservation of biodiversity of Sonora, Mexico. Mycotaxon, 87:445-456.
dc.identifier.issn 0093-4666
dc.description.abstract With the purpose of contributing to the knowledge of the taxonomy and ecology of the species of Geastrum, three priority regions for conservation of biodiversity from Sonora, Mexico were sampled. The survey was conducted during the four seasons of the year in six vegetation types. Sampling localities were characterized by biotic and abiotic factors based upon topographic and subject charts as well as physical and chemical soil analyses. Seventeen species of Geastrum were determined, six are reported for the first time from Sonora, G.pouzarii and G. pseudolimbatum being new records for the Mexican mycobiota. The highest number of specimens were collected in tropical thorn forest and tropical deciduous forest. Although gastrocarps of Geastrum were observed throughout the year, they were more commonly found during summer and autumn.
dc.language.iso en
dc.title Distribution of Geastrum species from some priority regions for conservation of biodiversity of Sonora, Mexico
dc.type Article
dc.source.novolpages 87:445-456
dc.relation.journal Mycotaxon
dc.coverage.thematic Micología
dc.identifier.dbase 21 Doctorado
dc.contributor.department Laboratorio de Micromicetes y Levaduras
dc.contributor.institution Instituto de Biología, UNAM.
dc.contributor.lines Micología sistemática de hongos superiores. 56 22 91 66 México
dc.identifier.creator WOS:000185523700044

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