
The Chimalapas Region, Oaxaca, Mexico: a highpriority region for bird conservation in Mesoamerica

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Show simple item record Peterson, AT Navarro Sigüenza, Adolfo Gerardo RebonGallardo, F HernándezBanos, BE RodríguezAyala, E Cabrera García, L Escalona Segura, G Figueroa Esquivel, EM 20110122T10:26:44Z 20110122T10:26:44Z 2003
dc.identifier.issn 9592709
dc.description.abstract The Chimalapas region, in eastern Oaxaca, Mexico, holds lowland rainforests, tropical dry forests, and cloud forests typical of the Neotropics, as well as montane pine and pineoak forests more typical of the Nearctic. Totaling more than 600,000 ha, much of the region is forested, and in a good state of preservation. The Chimalapas avifauna is by far the most diverse for any region of comparable size in the country, totalling at least 464 species in the region as a whole (with more than 300 species in the lowland rainforest) representing 44% of the bird species known freom Mexico. Within the region, the humid Atlantic lowlands hold 317 species, the montane regions 113 species, and the southern dry forested lowlands 216 species. Important species present in the region include Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja and several other large eagles, Black Penelopina nigra and probably Horned Oreophasis derbianus Guans, Scarlet Macaw Ara macao, Cinnamontailed Sparrow Aimophila sumichrasti, Rosebellied Bunting Passerina rositae, and Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno. The area holds immense lowland rainforests and cloud forests that rank among the largest and best preserved in all of Mesoamerica, including a complete lowlandtohighland continuum, with entire watersheds preserved more or less intact. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title The Chimalapas Region, Oaxaca, Mexico: a highpriority region for bird conservation in Mesoamerica
dc.type Artículo de investigación en_US
dc.identifier.idprometeo 1934
dc.identifier.doi 10.1017/S0959270903003186
dc.source.novolpages 13(3): 227-253
dc.subject.wos Ornithology
dc.description.index WoS: SCI, SSCI o AHCI
dc.relation.journal Bird Conservation International
dc.description.Departamento Departamento de Biología Evolutiva
dc.relation.Instadscription Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM

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